Friday, December 11, 2009

Big Sister

You went to the doctor with mom and grandma eve yesterday and we found out that you are going to be a big sister to a little sister. We are going to have another little girl in the family and now daddy is really going to be out numbered. We are going to name her Addyson Nichole Eve. So now you both will have Mommy's name. You don't know yet what is really going on but you have started calling her AaAa for Addy. I think that you will be a big helper to mom when she gets here.

You have been climbing on things a lot and yesterday and today you were trying to get on the kitchen table and your foot slipped and you have bit your lip twice now. Both time they bled. I think this is your first big owie.

Monday, December 7, 2009


Well this year we have been tellin g you about Santa a little more so when we take you to get your pictures taken you hopefully will not cry. We have a stuffed one in the livving room and you talk to him all the time and give him loves. You have see the one in the mall a few times and always want to sit on his lap now and say "cheese". So when daddy gets home in a few weeks we are going to take you and get your picture taken.