Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Big Sister

On April 27th you finally became a big sister. You stayed with grandma Karen for 3 days while mommy and Addyson was in the hospital. Right after mommy had Addy you came up and got to see her for the first time and you were in love with her and already I could tell that you were going to be a big help. You love to hold her and kiss her all the time.

The only thing we have noticed is that you throw more fits now and we dont understand why but we may think its because you are not the only one getting attention or it may be because you are going through the terrible twos. Hopefully it will only last a little while and will be back to your normal self.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


For Easter this year we didn't end up doing a whole lot. We didn't go to the Easter egg hunt because the weather was bad, snowing and blowing. The Easter bunny did manage to find you though and brought you candy and some toys. You had fun picking up all your eggs. Grandma Tams work had their egg hunt the next weekend so we took you and you had fun running around trying to put as much in your basket as you could. I can only imagine what you will be like next year.

You have been saving up your money and we decided to buy you a trampoline and so we put that together on Easter as well. It took you awhile to figure out how to jump but now you are a pro and want to go outside all the time.